Sometimes you come across an Illustrator and you see their work
and the amount of intricacy in it makes you so excited!
You just keep looking finding more and more details,
and are wowed
by their patience and dedication to their art.
When I came across Liz Clements I felt exactly as above.
Her work is amazing and so full of detail.
This London based illustrator creates various images, mainly women, with very heavy tattoo and nautical influences (two of my faves!!)
Her women have such beautiful faces, often covered in tattoos with beautiful, flowing hair. The detail in the hair alone is amazing.
I love the contrast of edgy poses, hairstyles and tattoos against the doll like round blush and full bright lips.
Being a heavily tattooed girl myself, I love that these gorgeous girls are so feminine and beautiful yet absolutely covered in tattoos.
Her Portraits have gorgeous names like 'Shore Leave', 'Lucky 13' and 'Eye for an Eye'.
I love her range of colour in each illustration, and her detail is so fine, yet every image is bold and such a statement.
She's an artist who I would love to do a portrait of myself and see what magical creation she could come up with! These portraits have so many teeny tiny details, almost telling more of a story about the girl.
I seriously want loads of them to frame around my home!!
Love this redhead...and not just because I have ever so recently joined the red head brigade haha
Liz Clements naturally has her own website:
And of course her etsy shop:
Please go and check her out, you will not be dissapointed :)
And if anyone wants to buy me anything from her shop for Christmas, well then that
would be swell :)
I love Liz's work! I like the soft colours she uses, it's so different for the harsh or bright colours people usually use for tattooed ladies.